Led by Dr. Esther Frei (Switzerland) & Dr. Ralph Zarazir (Lebanon), the group gathers a number of partners/coordinators around the world, all professionals and pioneers in their fields of specialty. They share one main common background: A distinguished type of tourism that offers people the chance to experience travelling at a different level.

Dr. Ralph F. Zarazir (Lebanon)
Managing Partner & Middle East Coordinator
Ralph is an oral surgeon specialist in dental implantology.
He is a university lecturer and has visited already more than 60 countries.
Dr. Esther S. Frei (Switzerland)
Managing Partner & Europe Coordinator
Esther is specializing in Internal medicine.
She is an excellent organizer and has a lot of experience in cross-cultural interaction.
Mr. Nabil F. Safi (USA)
North America Coordinator
Nabil holds an MBA in Marketing and has successfully led many high positions. He is a people person with a refined sense of humor.
Dr. Rami A. Abdul Hadi (Kuwait)
Gulf Coordinator
Besides his medical specialty in Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Abdul Hadi holds a Masters degree in business administration. He is an outstanding strategist with a lucid multitasking gift.
Dr. Haniel P. Eller (Brazil)
South America Coordinator
Haniel is a resident in Cardiology and speaks many languages fluently.
He is a human mobile “Google” who knows everything about anything. Travelling with him is a real JOY.
Dr. Katrin G. Gudlaugsdottir (Iceland)
“touchCOUNTRIES” Club Coordinator
Dr. Gudlaugsdottir or simply Kate is an orthopedic surgeon. “Professional” is a small word for her photography skills & she has a wonderful heart for people while being at the same time a true Viking.